How can I donate to the library?

If you'd like to make a donation to Booth Library, please complete the Library gift form or make an online contribution.


Booth Library accepts gifts of books, journals and other materials following certain guidelines as stated in the "Gifts" section of the Library Services Collection Development policy.


Section VII, "Gifts" states: The library welcomes gifts and donations of useful materials, or the funds to purchase them. However, all gifts of materials to the library are accepted with the understanding that they are added to the collection only after they have met the same selection criteria as materials which are purchased. The library will not accept gifts with conditions as to their disposition or location except by expressed permission of the Dean of Library Services. Generally, the library will not maintain gift collections as separate entities. The library retains the right to dispose of unneeded gift materials, regardless of how they were acquired, by discarding or sale in the library's annual book sale. The library does not provide any statement estimating the value of donations.

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